I am going to go over “the first 3 things women notice about you”. This is more for those specific situations of when you’re meeting someone you met through dating apps. This is the first time you’re meeting in person. And obviously, “the first five minutes really matter and sets the tone for the rest …
3 Important conversation tips to keep the girl
It takes skill to know how to initiate a conversation with a girl and then keep the conversation going. Once you learn this, you won’t have to think about it. When you get the hang of it, I want you to remember the three very important conversation tips to keep the girl and continue dating …
What attracts women?
Is there a standard for what ladies may find appealing to you? When it comes to dating, you want to attract dates. Many times, you get out there and try, then things do not work out. And when things do not work out, the main reason is because (sorry, I am about to sound harsh, …
Am I annoying her?
Am I annoying or bothering her? This question may seem to be bothering you. Honestly, this is a very common worry that can come at any stage in dating. It could be when you want to interact with someone offline, it could be when you’re online dating, it could be when you’re texting. This worry …
Key to a Good first Impression on a date
You only get one chance to make a good first impression, so make the most of every date by giving it your all. But, how should you leave a good lasting impression? An impression that’d be on your first date, could be at a networking event, or at a mutual friend’s party where you’re meeting …
Non verbal cues during dates
Small talk won’t be enough to determine someone’s level of interest in you, so let me discuss “nonverbal cues during dates.” It’s your expressions, it’s your hand movements, it’s your body language, these are all really important to dating. I’m pretty sure you’ve heard some sort of percentage, or I’ve heard a lot of different …
How to approach a girl without being creepy
I am going to talk about how to approach a woman without being a creep. This is for those situations like a bar, lounge, coffee shop, grocery store, where you want to approach a woman coldly, but you don’t know what to say, and you don’t obviously want to be a creep, because let’s be …
How to flirt when you’re an awkward guy
Flirting is an art you should cultivate, because not knowing how to flirt could sabotage your dating life– and learning how to flirt is a big question as it is, but how do you flirt when you’re an awkward guy? How to flirt while being awkward? That’s a whole other level! Being awkward is already …
How much eye contact to have with a girl on a date
I’ll be answering the question “How much eye contact you should have with a girl?” On dates, it’s normal to wonder, can you look away? Or, do you have to look at her the whole time, but then you feel really awkward about it? So what does eye contact means when you are on a …