Have you experienced the moment when you just don’t know what to ask her on a date? You’re having this conversation with her, she’s responding well, but you don’t know what other questions to ask from there. You want to keep the conversation flowing, but you know being able to ask questions is a part …
Don’t send this text when you’re asking for her number
I am going to talk about the one text you do not send when you’re trying to transition to get her number. This could be transitioning from online dating, off of a social media platform, or an email. Whatever approach you take, if you don’t have her phone number just yet, you probably want to …
Don’t send this text when you’re asking for her numberRead More
3 Important conversation tips to keep the girl
It takes skill to know how to initiate a conversation with a girl and then keep the conversation going. Once you learn this, you won’t have to think about it. When you get the hang of it, I want you to remember the three very important conversation tips to keep the girl and continue dating …
Run out of things to say on your date? Say this
Do you have that moment when you run out of things to say? You’re on a date when you’re talking about a specific topic, but then when that topic ends, it’s just silent. Then you wonder, “Uh-oh, I don’t know what else to say here.” Well, let me help you with that. Conversations, of course, …
Top 3 conversation starters with a girl
Knowing how to start a conversation could make or break your chance of having a great interaction. Let me share the top three conversation starters with a girl. Starters can be used in person, online dating, or even DMs (Direct messages on Social media platforms). You just have to adjust it to your scenario but …
3 best first date conversation topics with a girl
Make a lasting first impression on your date by engaging in great conversation. Avoid the pitfalls of poor communication that can ruin your chances of a successful first date. So, what are the best conversation topics for a first date? It’s easy for conversations to start dying on a first date, asking “So what do …
What to text her next?
You’ve probably been sending her messages…but, now you are wondering What to text when you don’t know what to text next? It’s very popular in any texting conversation for you to feel like you’ve reached a dead end, like you have some good momentum going, you’re probably talking about an interesting topic that you both relate …
How to date when you feel you’re boring
“How to date when you feel you’re boring?” This is a frequently asked question, but let me assure you that there is no such thing as a boring person, so allow me to address it. Let’s get into this big question because I feel I get this a lot when I’m starting off with my …
How to Start a Conversation with a Girl In-person or Offline
Wondering about how to start a conversation with a girl in person? I know how challenging it is, so let’s learn the 3-steps to starting a conversation with a girl in person. Now, I’m not only talking about bars clubs or lounges. This could be at a park, at a bookstore at a mall, or …
How to Start a Conversation with a Girl In-person or OfflineRead More