I am going to go over “the first 3 things women notice about you”. This is more for those specific situations of when you’re meeting someone you met through dating apps. This is the first time you’re meeting in person. And obviously, “the first five minutes really matter and sets the tone for the rest …
Dressing to Impress Your Date: How to Choose the Best Eyewear, Clothes, and Shoes for Men
Dressing to impress your date is key when trying to make a great first impression. Knowing the first things women notice about you is best, especially if you’re meeting someone in person for the first time. Initial impressions are a big deal and set the stage for the rest of your date. Smile, tone, and …
Dressing to Impress Your Date: How to Choose the Best Eyewear, Clothes, and Shoes for MenRead More
3 reasons why you’re still single
Seriously, “Why you’re still single?”. Do you hear these words most of the time? It’s a vulnerable topic and wanted to answer this in the best way I know how. This isn’t best to just write my blog or message in an email. Because I do feel that I am a better speaker, especially if …
Is she being friendly or flirty?
I’ll talk about how you can tell if she’s being friendly or flirty and the top five ways you can tell she’s flirting. So, you’ll be able to tell the difference, because if she doesn’t do these things, it’s likely that she’s just being friendly. Before we get into that, I want to say that …
No chemistry; what she means & what to do
How are you going to respond to these kinds of text messages? “I had such a great time with you, but I’m just not feeling the chemistry; I’m just not feeling the connection. You guys know texts like these: **Isn’t it kind of strange they all start with a “hey!”? Haha….** Subscribe to my channel …
3 ways to flirt with a girl over text (or online message)
Did you know that there are three ways to flirt with a girl over text, or online messaging, or any sort of messenger, anything where you’re texting and typing, because there’s no tone to it, but you want her to know that you like her. So, how do you do it? Before flirting with a …
3 ways to flirt with a girl over text (or online message)Read More
How to date when you’re a shy guy
Are you the type of guy who tends to be shy and you’re curious about how to date when you are a shy guy? This topic is about shyness, so please don’t confuse it with introversion, which is a completely different trait and topic from another video that I have. The actual behavior that prevents …
When to ask that friend out
A crush on a friend is possible. You have a good friend who you enjoy spending time with, who you can trust, and constantly reminds you of how awesome she is every time you see her. Then, when you’re in her presence, unexpected emotions begin to surface. Eventually, you realize that you’re developing romantic feelings …
Introverted or Shy Guy dating? How to make it work for you
Let me say this first…ladies do want be dating a shy guy. It’s not a negative trait. It’s only hindering where you allow it to stop you from taking action and stops you from talking to women. If you have social anxiety and awkwardness that stops you from dating, or if ever you felt like …
Introverted or Shy Guy dating? How to make it work for youRead More
Does money attracts women? What money really says…
I talked about the best conversation topics for a first date previously and one of the topics is career. But, what if you’re not sure if you want to talk about your career? You start wondering if money attracts women, what career or income amount gets you dates, and how to talk about it, does …
Dating with little experience; how you can still attract ladies
I want to answer a very very popular question that I get a lot…. “how to date with no experience?” or “How will my lack of experience in dating affect my chances?” — a little hint, the problem is not the little experience. Let’s talk about dating with little experience and how you can still …
Dating with little experience; how you can still attract ladiesRead More
What attracts women?
Is there a standard for what ladies may find appealing to you? When it comes to dating, you want to attract dates. Many times, you get out there and try, then things do not work out. And when things do not work out, the main reason is because (sorry, I am about to sound harsh, …