A crush on a friend is possible. You have a good friend who you enjoy spending time with, who you can trust, and constantly reminds you of how awesome she is every time you see her. Then, when you’re in her presence, unexpected emotions begin to surface. Eventually, you realize that you’re developing romantic feelings …
3 Important conversation tips to keep the girl
It takes skill to know how to initiate a conversation with a girl and then keep the conversation going. Once you learn this, you won’t have to think about it. When you get the hang of it, I want you to remember the three very important conversation tips to keep the girl and continue dating …
Why does she take forever to respond?
You have someone you are interested in, you get excited and start chatting with them. The conversation is pretty great, the responses get you excited for continuous responses. But, you notice one (pretty big?) concerning thing….She takes forever, days, hours, to respond So you wonder What does this mean? What is going on? Why does she …
Am I annoying her?
Am I annoying or bothering her? This question may seem to be bothering you. Honestly, this is a very common worry that can come at any stage in dating. It could be when you want to interact with someone offline, it could be when you’re online dating, it could be when you’re texting. This worry …
Is approaching women sleazy?
For some, approaching ladies is all about timing and strategy, but let me discuss if “is approaching women sleazy, odd, or creepy?” further, and any of those negative views. What’s interesting is, I get this question normally after clients are curious about how to start a conversation with the girl in public. And then after …
How long you should wait to ask her for her number
Today’s topic is about timing, and I would answer specifically the question, “When you should ask for her number?” This usually pertains to chatting online from an online dating app, or from Facebook or Instagram, which doesn’t matter. Either way, you haven’t really got her contact or an in-person date. You met her online, whether …
Building Confidence to Approach Women
It takes courage to approach a girl you are interested in and it takes a lot of practice to work up the nerve to approach a girl. So, let me talk about how to gain the courage to approach women. I did a survey on Instagram and asked how you guys felt about approaching women. …
She’s sending mixed signals: What to do
Women frequently send confusing signals without realizing it. So now, I am going to discuss “what to do when a girl gives you mixed signals?” It’s those moments where you feel she’s flirting with you, she’s engaged in this conversation with you, but there’s no overt behavior or true real expression of her interest in …
How to ask for a date (in-person)
I’m going to be talking about how to ask for a date. This is more for in-person situations, so when you go to an event, and you met someone really cool, and you want to go on a date with them, or a colleague that you’ve gotten to know over some time, and you want …
Handling COVID conversations during dates
Let’s talk about COVID conversations because it is an important discussion to have because we need to acknowledge that the pandemic is happening and realize that not everyone thinks like you. It is important to make sure that you guys are on the same page. That way, you’re not accidentally crossing boundaries, and then making …
Why do women ghost? Here’s the real reason…
Let’s finally talk about ghosting, the one behavior that everyone hates. But, it’s funny because people who hate it are the ones who still do it. That’s what’s interesting. So let’s answer the big question “why do women ghost?” Why do they do it? Why would they cause such confusion and pain? I get it, you’re …