Make a lasting first impression on your date by engaging in great conversation. Avoid the pitfalls of poor communication that can ruin your chances of a successful first date. So, what are the best conversation topics for a first date? It’s easy for conversations to start dying on a first date, asking “So what do …
Do girls like introverts?
“Do girls like introverts?” is a common question, but it’s essential to understand that people’s preferences for relationships vary widely, regardless of gender. Some girls, like individuals of any gender, are naturally attracted to introverts because they appreciate qualities such as deep thinking, active listening, and genuine connections in introverted individuals. Introverts often possess unique …
Top Summer Dating Tips
It is summer, and everyone is out and about, and I’ll go over the best summer dating advice and tips to help you have a successful dating season. So, what’s the point of summer dating? Why am I going on about it? Because it is literally, the hottest time of the year, but also because …
Why do women care about your job
This is a very popular question that I get a lot. And that is, “Why do women care about your job?” Because the truth is, they care, they do. Now before I get into the reasons, I’ll give you three reasons why they do care today. I did make another video about if money attracts …
The Most Attractive Male Traits: An In-Depth Look
Attraction is a complex phenomenon, influenced by a myriad of factors, including physical appearance, personality, and even social status. Although opinions on what constitutes an attractive male trait can be subjective, there are certain qualities that seem to be universally admired. In this article, we delve into the most attractive male traits, providing an insightful …
Should you swipe right or left? Picky or not picky enough?
Today I’m answering the question, “Should I swipe left on her? Or should I swipe right?” It’s for those lukewarm moments where you’re not too excited but the profile is not awful either, so you don’t know if you should like her or not. But you don’t also know if you’re being too picky or …
Should you swipe right or left? Picky or not picky enough?Read More
Confidence vs Cockiness: Which are you?
I’m going to be going over the difference between cockiness and confidence. It’s a true concern my clients have in potentially seeming cocky, arrogant, and too much into himself. It’s not a good look. But at the same time, I’m pretty sure you’re aware being confident is really important in attraction and dating. So, where’s …
Does dating a colleague a good idea?
“Does dating a colleague a good idea.” This is a really popular question because, besides mutual friends, that’s really the only place you meet new people, you make new friends. College was probably the only time and then next is a workplace. Now, I know that COVID and the pandemic has changed that. Many people …
Physical Touch on First Date: Should you initiate it or not
“Should I initiate physical touch on the first date?” This might be lingering in your mind while waiting for your first date to happen. But let me discuss this matter further. Going on a first date might let you wonder if should you hold hands, or should you lean in. Should you kiss her? That’s …
Physical Touch on First Date: Should you initiate it or notRead More
When she compliments you, does she like you?
Let’s talk about compliments. Specifically, when women compliment you. She’ll compliment by saying things like, “You’re one of my favorite people.” “You’re such a good, great guy. Any woman would be lucky to have you.” You recognize she complimented you, does she like you? What does that mean? Well, I’ll be answering that for you …
What to do when you’ve been rejected so many times
Before reading the post about what to do when you’ve been rejected so many times, I want to warn you a bit that today there’s going to be some real talk. There’s going to be tough love. Because if you know me, I don’t believe in sugarcoating. I believe in being honest and straightforward. That’s …
Dating During the Holidays: Should you do it? How?
It is indeed, the best time of the year, and I’d like to go over how you can date during the holidays and how to make it work for you. I know I can probably list out a bunch of dos and don’ts. But if you know me, I like to help you gain an understanding …